
linkedinKaitlyn Soligan is a writer and editor from Boston living in Louisville, KY. She has an extensive and reasonably impressive resume which may be found here. She believes we are on this earth to make interesting things and be kind to one another. Her writing on behalf of her clients has appeared in The Boston Globe, The Washington Post’s “On Parenting” Blog, on Refinery29.com, and on Ebony’s website, among others.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi,
    For months I’ve been looking for a blog similar to yours. I am from Ohio, currently in nursing school, and moving to be with my partner in December after graduation. I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can about Louisville. We have a small child so we want to be in good neighborhoods with good schools. Thank you for this blog which talks about your move. I love when you talk about being lonely because Whennit happens to me I can look at it as a normal thing. 🙂 thanks again


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